[caption id="attachment_398" align="aligncenter" width="150"]
Photo Courtesy of: davenportdesign's[/caption]
I still have some tweaking to do on my old posts. I have read till my eyes were burning and permanently wide open. It has taken me 5 days and counting to get it to look the way I want it. So, I had a lot of reading, tweaking, and figuring things out to do. And I am not done. SEO anyone? I am confused beyond measure.
I recently joined a Facebook Group of very resourceful entrepreneurs who have helped me tremendously to set up my site. I even found my host for this site from that group, Stone Alley 4 WP, who has went above and beyond the call of duty helping me tweak this to my liking. Thank You!! She is very affordable also which I appreciate. And all these ladies have stepped right in and offered me advice and help as soon as I posted. Amazing!
Why the switch? I wanted better exposure, a more professional look, and I wanted to expand my blog into a home based business. Details are still being worked out for that. Actually, I have 2 ideas for a business. I am working on them both. I will do this. I can do this.
Recent events have led me to act on these 2 ideas that I’ve had for years now. And when I do go back to work, I plan on continuing on with my own business so that I am never in this situation again.
Has anyone else started their own business? Would you like to share your experience briefly or give advice? Feel free to do so in the comment form by clicking the post title. (Yes, I’m still trying to figure that one out).
In my last post I mentioned that I moved my blog to my own domain with paid hosting on a different platform. I have moved from Blogger which was free and very user friendly to WordPress.org which is free except you have to find your own host which is not free. I also decided to get my own dot com since it was only around $10 and the name was available so I snatched it up.
I still have some tweaking to do on my old posts. I have read till my eyes were burning and permanently wide open. It has taken me 5 days and counting to get it to look the way I want it. So, I had a lot of reading, tweaking, and figuring things out to do. And I am not done. SEO anyone? I am confused beyond measure.
I recently joined a Facebook Group of very resourceful entrepreneurs who have helped me tremendously to set up my site. I even found my host for this site from that group, Stone Alley 4 WP, who has went above and beyond the call of duty helping me tweak this to my liking. Thank You!! She is very affordable also which I appreciate. And all these ladies have stepped right in and offered me advice and help as soon as I posted. Amazing!
Why the switch? I wanted better exposure, a more professional look, and I wanted to expand my blog into a home based business. Details are still being worked out for that. Actually, I have 2 ideas for a business. I am working on them both. I will do this. I can do this.
Recent events have led me to act on these 2 ideas that I’ve had for years now. And when I do go back to work, I plan on continuing on with my own business so that I am never in this situation again.
Has anyone else started their own business? Would you like to share your experience briefly or give advice? Feel free to do so in the comment form by clicking the post title. (Yes, I’m still trying to figure that one out).