Here is my third child; he is 21 years old. What do I say about him? I don't know. I know he is like me in so many ways. He is stubborn. Has a strong sense of right and wrong in regards to other people but not himself. He likes to keep to himself and spends way too much time with his father. He likes to watch wrestling, play wrestling video games. He also goes camping, hunting, and trapping with his father all the time. He lifts weights and likes to work on cars. He is a night owl like the rest of the family.
Here he is when he was born; weighing in at 9 lbs. 9 1/2 oz. Yes, you are seeing correctly.
I think he is 3 years old in this pic.
I have no idea how old he was here.
Here is a recent picture of him at Kendra's birthday party.
I know I don't have the best pictures of him. It's hard to find the right time to take them.