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Doctor Visit

Kendra's third visit to the doctor was today. Her first visit was June 5th, and the next one was June 9th. The first two was just to make sure she's fine since they only keep you in the hospital for 24 hours now and she had a little jaundice so they were keeping an eye on it. Today, she weighs 8 1/2 pounds and is 23 1/4 inches long. So, she is doing great. At this rate she is gaining an ounce a day. She is staying awake more, smiling, and seems content until she thinks she is hungry. We all love her and are enjoying her!

I love my new cell phone. I think I've had it a month and still am learning new things about it. Everyone in the family is doing good. Matthew is sooo glad school is over with! Now everyone will be off his back. The two Mike's are their usual selves. Trisha is busy with training for her new job and still working at the hospital. And of course, Nathalie, is busy with the baby and finding out that it isn't as easy as she thought it was going to be. Mom is doing alright as well as Steven. We haven't seen as much of Maddie as we usually do and we miss her. Not much is happening just the usual day to day stuff.


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