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Showing posts from May, 2012

Green Smoothie

So, on my quest to eat healthier, I found this smoothie recipe on Pinterest. Love that site! I decided to just buy the coconut milk. Because I don't have all day to make homemade and besides it would have been cheaper. So, that's what I did. But, I bought everything else as stated. Since then, I have swapped the organic yogurt for Greek yogurt and baby spinach for regular spinach. Again, it was cheaper. Also, I have added flax seed meal and honey. Although, you don't even notice the honey. I have added those last two because they are "fat releasing foods." The original recipe is from the blog, Flour on my Face . Here's how I prepare it: 1 cup of coconut milk 1/2 banana (original calls for frozen. why bother?) 1/2 cup Greek yogurt (i just dump a 6 oz. container in) 2 handfuls of spinach 2 or 3 strawberries 2 cubes of ice 2 teaspoons of flax seed meal a couple squirts of honey You can make this up the night before so that's it's all ...

Sunday at the Park

All Purpose Cleaner

½     teaspoon washing soda 1      teaspoon borax 2      tablespoon white vinegar ½     teaspoon liquid castile soap 2      cups hot distilled water 20    drops tea tree essential oil 1      24 oz sprayer bottle Mix the borax, washing soda, vinegar, and castile soap in a bowl. Slowly add the hot water. Allow to cool before adding tea tree oil. Pour into sprayer bottle. Label. From Sophie Uliano: Do it Gorgeously

The LIfe & Times of a Registration Clerk

There is a sign that says: Please Take a Number and Have a Seat. Also there is a sign stating what documentation we need from you. Do not stare me down and burn holes through me. If you see me on the computer and taking care of papers and answering phones and being the jack of all trades then "NO, I AM NOT READY FOR YOU" Just because someone walks out of my office, does not mean you can walk right on in uninvited. There is a number system people. I will call your number!!!! DO NOT stand right at my window waiting for me when I am so obviously busy taking care of someone else. Privacy is desperately needed. Stand the hell back!!!! Do not expect me to read your mind. There is more than one reason why you could be standing there waiting for me. If you don't know what you want then how the hell do I know. There will be 10,000 interruptions and when that happens obviously things will take a lot longer than usual . NO I don't have time to sweet ...

New Grandson

My seventh grandchild arrived Wednesday, May 2, 2012. He shares a birthday with his Uncle Gary. Jeremie Michael Taylor II 8 lbs 12 oz. with his 2nd cousin Maddie

Laundry Soap

This last week I have had 2 requests for my homemade DIY recipes. I have been meaning to put some more recipes on my blog. So here goes. I have been using this first recipe for 5 years or so. Tip: the smaller you grate the soap, the better and you will not have to use an extra rinse. There is a liquid version and a powder version. I have made both and prefer the powder because it's easier. Original Version 1     cup grated Fels Naptha soap ½    cup Washing Soda ½    cup Borox Mix and store in airtight container or bag. For light or small loads, use 1 tablespoon. For normal loads, use 2 tablespoons. For heavy loads, use 3 tablespoons. An extra rinse is recommended.  From Sophie Uliano: Do it Gorgeously My Version 2 bars of grated Fels Naptha soap 2 cups of Washing Soda 2 cups of Borox Mix all in an airtight container.  For light or small loads, use 1 tablespoon. For normal loads, use 2 tablespoons...